
Thursday 18 February 2010

Evil Snoball

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Tree Veins

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Snow Queen

Shooting Star

Wheelie issue of the day; ridiculous sleeping patterns, and how one falls into them. For example, I get a lot of back pain. This leads to my laying down lots more than an ordinary person. This makes me want to sleep more than an ordinary person, and its very hard not to when you're a little bit tired and laying in bed. Small naps lead to nighttime awakeness, leads to nocturnal lifestyle. Three weeks I managed to have it under control... now its crept back up on me. Sigh.

01:35 Daily Five Minute Sketch; Dinner

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Tuesday 16 February 2010

11:02 Daily Five Minute Sketch: Stage 2

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Eugh. Why can't I make art for art's sake, or just because I WANT to. Why does it have to be for the purpose of other people to look at? Why can't they look and my finished piece when I'm done with it and enjoy it however it ends up? I grates a bit the amount we're told to consider the people who will be viewing our work, personally I have never worked with the audience in mind. I make art because I like doing it, I enjoy it and I think I'm good at it... If someone else also gets some pleasure out of it, or can see a message or a meaning then that's an added bonus. To me that's not the point of making the art though... Perhaps its just I don't have the commercial angle I should have. I still hold the opinion that I will never get a job as an artist or otherwise, so really I don't see the point in pleasing anyone but myself artwise aside from passing the course. I don't like the restrictions of gallery spaces and other people's expectations. They won't expect to pick up a book, so no matter how hard I work on it, it likely will still only be seen as a glorified sketchbook. Unless I make a song and dance over presenting it, like as an event or some such. But to me, just the making of the book is most important. Having this thing at the end is a really good feeling, but why do I have to think about other people pre conceptions?

Wheelie issue of the day ~ Art gallery displays all being for standing person height. Some are better than others, and pictures on a wall aren't so bad... But plinths are a nightmare. Normally I'll be lucky if I can even see what's on the top, let alone appreciate it properly. Here I am moaning about thinking about presenting my work... but these artists have chosen to think about it, and put their thinking into practice (although I'm not certain of the process) and their thinking seems not to stretch to the vertically challenged. When I DO think about my presentation, my work is all at wheelchair height. Sometimes I wonder if I should bring along a spare wheelchair sometimes for people to see it properly.

There. See my hypocrasy and be frustrated.


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Star Puddle

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Light Rain

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Dust Bunni

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Monday 15 February 2010

Is ded of icecream.



10:24 Daily Five Minute Sketch; Unfinished

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Third Page Beginings

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03:22 Daily Five Minute Sketch; Make the World go Round

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Workworkworkworkwork busy busy Valentine's... Night. I didn't get up till 4pm (shameful, I know). I stayed up really late yesterday to work as well, so I have something to show in class tomorrow (points down). Not too bad, overall, but I think my pain might have influenced my working process...

Family drama is brewing. And the world of my rodents is still full of strife and woe. Really, I should rehome someone... But whom? I think I've decided, then I look at the one I decided on and realise I can't bear to hand them over to someone else. I think we've been around in circles a few times now. Trouble is, we all live in my one tiny bedroom. I guess there's not really a problem unless someone rodent phobic moves in at the end of the summer. Then there'll be real issues... Heck, there's going to be non rodent related issues anyway. Living with other people is always hard.

Wheelie issue of the the day ~ Concentrating through pain, and taking inconvenient breaks. My disability forces me to bend at the back, rather than the hips. And my weight puts a lot of strain on my butt and joints, so sitting for long periods of time is impossible. Take today for example. I got up at 4pm to work, and spend quality Valentine's time with my fiance. At 6, my friends came for dinner. By nine I had to take a break to lay down... Leaving my guests in the kitchen. Either I take my fiance away to keep my company, thus completely abandoning my friends... or I lay down on my own and sulk. Neither is particularly fun, trust me. Guilt or... sulking. Heh. It has to be about an hour lay down to be effective - and after a few drinks it normally results in sleep -_-. I can't visit other people's houses for long periods of time, or work for a whole day. My entire timetable has to be planned around it.

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Letter Home

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Coffee Hammie

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Sunday 14 February 2010

Mousie Pin

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Valentine's Chocolate

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Page 1 Revisited

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Feesh Mousse

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01:31 Daily Five Minute Sketch; Love is...?

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Aytch About Town

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Whew. I had to take a couple of days off, I been a bit squiffy. Sadly, it happens far too often now. Perhaps a change in diet will help...

As you can see (points down) the book has started. I will try and keep this blog updated with the photos, because I promised my sister. Anyway, the idea of the book is to display photos to the theme of wild places - parks inside towns, cracks in the pavement, even tiny little micro spaces like potted plants. Hopefully I plan to design all of the paper and stickers I use, and go with a sort of altered art papercraft approach (ha ha). On this the first page, so far everything has been done by me :). Fingers crossed I get lots more done.

All is not well in the world of hamster. The gray puffball russian has started picking on her sister, and after three nasty bites I've seperated them. Its a shame, they lived together for.... Six months I think. Unfortunately once they start, it just gets worse till one damages the other permanently... or worse. And then this evening Tadpole decided to go for a little trip sans ball, little bugger. Last but not least apparently it smells in the corridor now, so its cleaning everwhere tomorrow or get busted again, and I really can't rehome them all this time around.

Wheelie issue for the day ~ Eugh, always being at handbag or backpack height. We went shopping today, and shopping on a Saturday is always a nightmare, but in a wheelchair crowds are horrific. People stop suddenly, then swear and shout when you can't stop from running into them. Walk across you while they talk on their phone. Tread on your feet, and that I really hate because it bloody hurts. And worst of all, you are inevitably at bag height. And everyone has a bag these days, and people do not normally compensate properly for them. Especially big, stuffed backpacks. Getting one of those to the face is horrible. Last time I was in a place that packed, I went around with a sharpie marker in my hand, and swiped everyone who hit me. Espensive handbags, fur coats (it was a London art fair. Lots of money) designer jackets... People who saw us coming with a big black marker pen soon moved.

First Page

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Thursday 11 February 2010

Wheelie issue of the day ~ How does one stomp out after a row, when one is dependent on one's partner? Makes things very difficult. Food for thought.

My mouse with the strange eye seems to be improving *touch wood* but work is slipping, so less time to write essays on the blog. My new baby mice are ever so sweet though, but I'm trying really hard not to spam photos of them.

Hopefully, anyway, lots of work photos shortly.

Speeding Ticket

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11:35 Daily Five Minute Sketch; Strawberry Moon

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Wednesday 10 February 2010

11:18 Daily Five Minute Sketch; Jar

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Wheelie issue for the day; Fatigue.

Sign Language Tutor

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Triple Bridges

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Fly my Pretties, FLY!

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If I Ignore it, Will it go Away?

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Update: On the vet or not vet debate, we decided vet. The mousie in question went today, and I thought she wasn't coming back but the vet thought otherwise. So there you are folks, not always what it seems. She thinks that the mouse poked her eye on something, injuring it... But she's very pleased with how its healing anyway. Looks like Face Mouse is not going anywhere soon (fingers crossed, now I've said it), and I'm glad. She is the sweetest little mouse. Of course, Vet couldn't really do anything for her apart from put her on a minute and immeasurable amount of antibiotics XD. Fun for us.

Wheelie issue for the day; why is disabled seating nine times out of ten right by the door? I mean, I can see the logic... Clear path, more convenient yada yada but the truth it, this time of year, its cold! And having poor circulation as a lot of wheelchair bound people do, I feel the cold. A lot. Not to mention it plays up the old joints, if you know what I mean. So if you ever open your own restaurant, remember, wheelchair seating tucked away in a warm spot. Besides, waiters could use the run you'd have to leave clear for serving.

And thumbs up to the places that have a range of seating options and don't mind where you park, as long as its not a fire hazard (and sometimes even if it is :D. You know who you are.) So what if I want to be difficult and sit right in the middle and make all the other customers move? Nah, I don't do that... often. Promise.

Put Down the Camera Before I Nut You

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00:18 Daily Five Minute Sketch; Kitteh

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