
Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Update: On the vet or not vet debate, we decided vet. The mousie in question went today, and I thought she wasn't coming back but the vet thought otherwise. So there you are folks, not always what it seems. She thinks that the mouse poked her eye on something, injuring it... But she's very pleased with how its healing anyway. Looks like Face Mouse is not going anywhere soon (fingers crossed, now I've said it), and I'm glad. She is the sweetest little mouse. Of course, Vet couldn't really do anything for her apart from put her on a minute and immeasurable amount of antibiotics XD. Fun for us.

Wheelie issue for the day; why is disabled seating nine times out of ten right by the door? I mean, I can see the logic... Clear path, more convenient yada yada but the truth it, this time of year, its cold! And having poor circulation as a lot of wheelchair bound people do, I feel the cold. A lot. Not to mention it plays up the old joints, if you know what I mean. So if you ever open your own restaurant, remember, wheelchair seating tucked away in a warm spot. Besides, waiters could use the run you'd have to leave clear for serving.

And thumbs up to the places that have a range of seating options and don't mind where you park, as long as its not a fire hazard (and sometimes even if it is :D. You know who you are.) So what if I want to be difficult and sit right in the middle and make all the other customers move? Nah, I don't do that... often. Promise.

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